Sunday, 30 January 2011

Day 35


We have it on good authority (MYS’s gorgeous girlfriend) that it was important to feed the pigeons while in Venice so here is MGM, looking very suave, with the pigeons in San Marco.

d 35 Venice (4)

and here is the magnificent san Marco,

d 35 Venice (6)

well it is magnificent when you take the scaffolding away. The price we pay for traveling out of season is that winter is when they face-lift all significant buildings to be really spiffy for all the ‘real’ tourists in summer. Fortunately we have seen it in all its glory on a previous visit. I went in, although I just looked at the bits I could see for free, well worth it because of the unique gold mosaic that covers the vast interior. Last time we paid and saw it all, even the bonze horses at the top which don’t appear to be there now so perhaps they’re getting a facelift too. This square is so majestic even with the big screen up ready for some festivities to come I think.

d 35 Venice (8)

Even the shops that surround San Marco are beautiful, I love the masks they sell, the photo doesn’t do them justice. they come in every colour imaginable and somehow, like the human face each one seems to be different. Truly amazing when you consider just how many shops there are selling the same thing.

d 35 Venice (12)

Someone is thinking outside the square and creating something for the younger generation, so I took this pic for my trekkies, some were more Borg-like than others… so wished I could by one of these for each of you!

d 35 Venice (11)

We succumbed to the tourist cliché today …

d 35 Venice (14)Yes we did, we went for a ride in a gondola and it was ridiculously exciting.

d 35 Venice (15)

MGM’s doing the suave-thing again but that Cheshire-cat grin of mine reveals the excitement quite aptly I think. It was a lovely, gentle, perfectly peaceful ride, seeing Venice from a different perspective.

d 35 Venice (20)

d 35 Venice (26) 

d 35 Venice (24)       d 35 Venice (18)       d 35 Venice (32)

MGM actually got to experience the canal close up and personal with a small miss-step when alighting. Instead of alighting onto the dock he ‘slighted’ right into the drink up to his knee. The head gondola guy unceremoniously pushed me aside in his attempts to get to MGM before he went in any further. he got there so fast I’m surprised they didn’t all go in completely. Typical of the glass half full optimist, MGM wasn’t at all phased by the bucket of water he carried in his shoe back to the hotel…“it’s all part of the experience” he said with a laugh.

After a change of shoes and clothes we launched off again for our final wander around mesmerizing Venice. We did find a glass artist hard at work in his studio who was gracious enough to let me watch a piece from beginning to end complete with glass-blowing. He was a the first friendly artist we’ve come across and it was a real honour to be able to watch his creative process, in his studio below.

d 35 Venice (1)

We are becoming quite the Venice experts, well at least we must look confident because fellow tourists keep asking for help. MGM ventured out to the vending machines for water late last night and got accosted by two different groups asking how the public transport worked (I suppose when he helped the first group in clear, easy to understand English the other thought hallelujah!). Today while we were working out what to see next we could feel a couple getting closer and closer. Eventually I asked if they’d like to look at our map, you could actually see the worry slide off their faces. They were lost you see, just as we were, but we had a map. They’d just arrived, dumped their bags and set off into the alluring but deadly similar streets of Venice (no map). We assured them that they certainly would not be the first or last to be lost in Venice but it was a bit alarming when they didn’t know where they wanted to go except ‘back to the hotel’.

Eventually we identified a landmark near their hotel (San Marco), gave them our map and a few navigational clues and wished them good luck.

We grabbed a slice of pizza and my new favourite drink la limonata (best lemon soda ever) and headed back to the room for a bit of packing I’m afraid. Hate the idea of leaving tomorrow but we are lashing out on a fast boat all the way to the airport. We usually public transport it in and out – so easy and cheap – but tomorrow we’re travelling Venice to Marco Polo, flying Venice to Munich, changing planes flying Munich to Budapest. There isn’t a huge margin for error so we’re splurging on the first leg. It’s not like we’re going on the ultra expensive water taxi, it’s actually not too much dearer than the Vaperreto/bus combo but it will certainly be another experience to add to the  many memories we have stored up so far.

1 comment:

  1. Those masks are so beautiful, and so Venice. As for the Borg masks - I love them! So different!

    I'm so glad you did the gondola - you really do look Cheshire-like!


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...