Saturday, 22 January 2011

Day 27


the view from the window this morning

d 27 Oberstaufen (4)

A quiet day today filled with routine stuff that you have to do wherever you find yourself in the world. MGM busied himself with the laundry, going for a quick swim whilst the clothes were in the machine. Then while the clothes were in the dryer he bustled about with filling black betty (our clever little Mercedes hire car – tell you about her later) with petrol and generally getting ready to drive to Grundlsee tomorrow (by way of Munich). He ran backwards and forwards making sure I had everything I needed in between domestic duties. It’s more impressive when you realise that our block is on the top of a hill and our rooms are at the top of that block and it was –6˚ and snowing heavily all day. Consequently at 8:45pm, as I write this, MGM is out like a light!

I spent the whole day chained to the laptop. I have to get this paper done and dusted before we leave Austria (so five days) because WiFi is an unknown quantity in Venice and Budapest. I’m not sure what the hotels will offer but we have found before that it can be hugely expensive. Last time we were away like this I used Maccas WiFi which is an option for blogging but not for submitting uni assignments.

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing that glaring at you with continued jealousy (There's snow! Budapest! Venice!) will not change the view from my own desk.


Our last adventure

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