Monday, 24 January 2011

Day 29


The view from the window this morning

d 29 Grundlsee (2)

d 29 Grundlsee (6)

THIS is why we love this place! That’s a lake you can see there, frozen for the most part. The edges aren’t frozen though as you can see in the bottom photos.

It was –6˚, still and sun-shiny this morning PER-fect walking weather so we went out into the beautifulness to reacquaint  ourselves with the little village of Grundlsee.

with a little MGMness along the way… chuff chuff chuff…woo woo!

d 29 Grundlsee (12)  d 29 Grundlsee (13)


d 29 Grundlsee (1)

d 29 Grundlsee (15)

after our walk around part of the lake we went back and got the car for a drive around the rest of the lake and up into the mountains. Which took us to afternoon tea time. Sunday is still a very closed day in this part of the world, no shops open at all, not a lot of people out on the streets (apart from crazy Australian tourists) but go into a cafe and you’ll see a different story. This is our favourite cafe in Bad Ausee (the town just before Grundlsee).

d 29 Bad Ausee (4)       d 29 Bad Ausee (3)

– where we were definitely bad Aussies – just look at that cake, my Kirschtorte Y-U-M!

d 29 Bad Ausee (2)

There is a certain art to coffee and cake that we just don’t seem to have at home. Maybe we’re more focused on the great outdoors which isn't an option for extended periods of time here (unless you enjoy hypothermia). The coffee is always served with a glass of water on a silver serving tray, and that menu you can see is just for drinks (15 pages!).



  1. Okay, I think this is my favourite morning window view - wow.

    Is this is place you have as your homepage? The daily photo one?

  2. yep Becca - my favourite place on earth


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...