Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Day 16


(not exactly) the view from the window

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The Lovely Liz is off to work this morning so the rest of us slackers had a bit of a sleep-in and then a quiet day with a little bit of uni work for me, then a lovely stroll in the woods which of course ended in a pub where we had lunch (I see  a pattern here).


Doesn’t this look cosy? It’s not snowy outside, in fact Rob is quite cross about how ‘hot’ it it, it was +7˚ but that’s still cool enough to enjoy snuggling down with some yummy pub food (with the exception of the worst peas I have ever had …ever!) and a drink or two.                                                                                                                           


LL came home from work armed with pies for dinner from a shop I know MA would just love to pieces…pity there’s no Johnny Depp inside.                                                           

sweeney and todd

1 comment:

Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...