Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Day 9


It’s amazing what you learn about yourself when you travel. One thing you learn very quickly is just how much ‘stuff’ you need to survive and really, it’s not a lot. I thought we were traveling pretty light, we each have only one bag and one carry-on. Having reduced my entire life to this small capacity now we’ve reduced even further on our side-trip to Helsinki.

We didn’t want to fuss with checking luggage in so we each have a backpack that we can carry-on the plane. I have a spare shirt some smalls and my toothbrush but I couldn’t bare to leave the laptop behind ‘cause I wanted to show you the ice-ferry.

d9 ice ferry (3)

d9 ice ferry (11)

d9 ice ferry (7)

d9 ice ferry (14)

-15 is not that cold when you’ve got the right gear on + anticipation adrenalin pumping. This trip was a compromise in as much as it is not the icebreaker trip across the Baltic to Finland, which takes about 12 hours and at this time of the year is no place for landlubbers (MGM is not a fan of sea travel). No this is the much shorter trip across the Baltic to a Swedish island where Monica’s brother lives.

d9 Christer (2)

We had lunch here today (my goodness these people can cook!) and dropped Nikita off for her long weekend holiday while we’re in Finland. Then we drove to the airport for the 45 minute flight across the Baltic to Finland. I suppose it’s better than 12 hours in a boat but I would definitely have been up for it – what an experience.

We arrived in Finland to be greeted by another cousin and made the short journey to their home which will be ours too for the next few days. After another sumptuous meal we were treated to a tasting of home made liqueurs made from summer berries and fruits and good conversation.

How’s this for civilized!

d9 Helsinki (7)

We’re going to Helsinki for the tourist thing tomorrow – hope you have a good day and that it’s not too hot down under.

1 comment:

Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...