Monday, 17 January 2011

Day 22 Three Things

that are essential for me when traveling apart from the obvious (MGM, passport, money, credit cards).

1. vegemite (it’s a cliché but you must have it)
 eucalyptus (you cannot have a cold and NOT have it and it’s really not that easy to find)
3. laptop and WiFi (I know sad, but try going without the internet before you judge!)

okay four things…

4. your feet in good condition (scroll down).


the view from the window this morning

d 22 Oberstaufen (1)

Well things may slow a bit for a while. I’ve got a nasty head-cold and am managing to take my mind off it (not to mention clearing my sinuses in one fell swoop) by dropping the weather-proof door on my foot (or more precisely my little toe) after taking this photo. The doors are on hinges that lift them up to open and drop them back into place to close with a complete seal – no drafts…very nice, but a bit of a warning please! oh&s hasn’t arrived over here.

My little toe is now the size of a breakfast sausage and definitely NOT happy about shoes. I did try to get them on so we could go out to dinner but alas not-so-much. MGM amused himself today walking about Oberstaufen and going for a drive. I have high hopes for a smaller toe tomorrow. Who’d have thought a cold was actually easy to have while you’re away? Certainly the one thing you can’t do without is your feet for walking.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Wendy! I'm sending you small toe thoughts, and hope the swelling goes down soon.


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