Friday, 21 January 2011

Day 26


The view from the window this morning

d 26 Oberstafen (2)

Well dear readers I have to say that I am a happy girl, what a deliciously, perfectly me day I have had today!

I got up when I woke up – no alarms shocking me upright, which vastly improves the lag time between being upright and brain function.

I cooked brekkie and shared it with MGM watching the snow fall.

Then, with coffee pot on filling the room with gorgeous coffee smells, I pointed the table (the dining table and kitchen preparation area transformed into a desk by the addition of laptop and books) towards the snowy window to write. Just as MGM predicted, he’s such a clever little bunny.

d 26 Oberstafen (17)

After a couple of hours devotedly slogging my way through a report that I admit is over my head, we took a break and went out in it – that fluffy, cold, enchanting stuff that makes my heart sing – to admire Oberstaufen...

And eat cake

Cannot believe I didn’t take my camera into the cafe with me. The guru would be sighing in dismay she never gets caught without her camera and LL too, she’d have her camera for the food porn but not me, boo. If I had taken it you’d be seeing the most luxurious cafe, all gold and glass and wood panelling, with little discreet alcoves for tête-à-tête, full of refined ladies taking coffee with their conversation. AND the most gorgeous dogs, can you believe it! Right there in the cafe not so strict on animal/food service thing here. We had coffee and squishy cake – well actually I had the best cherry pie I have ever tasted and MGM had cake.

We window shopped…Oh the shabby chic-ness of this part of the world, it is everywhere and so well done!

d 26 Oberstafen (30)d 26 Oberstafen (31)

we had  a few MGM moments

d 26 Oberstafen (27)      d 26 Oberstafen (45)

oh he makes me laugh!

and I took this for the Lovely Liz, it had no earthly reason for being there in the middle of the footpath but there you go…(I’m not being mean LL loves them).

d 26 Oberstafen (34)

Then, with batteries recharged and in the gathering darkness, we returned on icy roads to our lovely little home away from home and my books.

1 comment:

  1. Gah, the stupid report. I hate it and I'm sitting here at home doing it. I don't have the view that you have vying for attention.

    LOL! Far from being digusted, the guru is infact highly amused (what can she say, she likes a crazy mention). She would also like to tell you that if you had hired her as bag carrier and textbook lugger extraordinaire, it would have come with the ever present camera ;)


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...