Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Day 36

Venice to Budapest

Not a lot of lovely little pics for you to see today. We have had a day of tRaVeLLing today! Up early for brekkie,to bid farewell to the intoxicating Venice; then off to the airport in Venice via boat (seeing a lot of new stuff YAY), flying to Munich, transferring to another plan, flying to Budapest, (where we were welcomed to Hungry by the most glorious tangerine sun setting over snowy fields – good omen I thought), catching the hotel mini-bus (nice not to have to do the public transport thing tonight) and arriving here…

d 36 Budapest (5)

for our last hurrah and what a hurrah it will be!

We are staying at the Hilton which is actually built into the Castle walls, can you believe that! Expect some spectacular views from the window over the next couple of days. Here’s one to whet your appetite.

d 36 Budapest (17)

We have a spectacular room, with a bed that is bigger than the whole room we had in Venice, and overlooks the Danube – everything you’ve heard about the Danube…true.

The exchange rate seems to be good for us (no Euros here) $1AuD = 200 HUF. We got caught with the Euro thing so we exchanged our Euro at the concierge and came away with 29,000 hungarian $, maths..my brain hurts already!

d 36 Budapest (4)

THIS is right next door! We saw it as we went out in search of dinner. Rob would be proud of MGM because he had a traditional Hungarian meal which turned out to be a plate of meat.

d 36 Budapest (13)

So far everyone speaks English and I’ve never seen such instantly friendly & hospitable people. Hungary so far has me excited and thrilled to be here.

d 36 Budapest (16)

We were dining early and as such were the only customers in this little restaurant, and yet our meal was accompanied by a three-piece band of the happiest musicians you could desire.

and look at this for dessert, two different kinds of strudel (apple and cherry).

d 36 Budapest (15)

On the way back I tried to capture the view of the river from the Castle walls but it is flood-lit and it was beyond my photographic capabilities, which is such a pity because it is so so so beautiful.

d 36 Budapest (9)

Our window looks down on this

d 36 Budapest (7)

There I had more show & tell than I thought! We’ll be home soon but in the mean time we’ll be very skippy happy in Hungary!

1 comment:

  1. There's a castle outside your window!!

    Do good skippy happiness :)


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...