Wednesday, 20 December 2017

travel day: so here's three things

and also the view from the window that I haven't showed you for the last few days ...

see? you weren't missing much ;) That's Reykjavík airport out there, we did fly out of Iceland today but not from this airport. I was extremely sorry to leave this interesting, and usual place and I'd like to think that we might come back one day, but there are just so many places to see in this great big beautiful world of ours.

We left our Iceland hotel in the dark of the morning, and arrived in Oslo in the dark of the afternoon. Consequently, I have no photos of any interest to show you so here is a 'three things' post ...


when did showers get so complicated? 

Place names were complicated too on the iTour, Madonna de Campiglio, Ballynahinch 
Borgarbyggo, Hallgrimskirkga, Mydicksafloppin, Isheetmypants ... I could go on.

It's good to step away from the screen and participate fully in the experience. So I'm glad I did not wrap my phone in plastic and take it into the Blue Lagoon (a lot of people did this). Although I guess not everyone is lucky enough to have Wendy B running outside in the freezing cold to take a picture of us in the water.

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