Tuesday, 12 December 2017

the Wild Atlantic Way

The view from my window this morning 

IKR?! and it got worse! In the street we find the area from that silver car down to the right was cordoned off for road works. Poor workers were standing next to our car, which was within their taped off working area, looking around hopelessly. I guess they were wondering which door to knock on first ... 'Is this your car, did you not get the don't park here today note?' The not-so-helpful lady who checked in last night said we'd be okay to park in the street, lucky we were having a relatively early start because we had a lot of ground to cover.

First a visit to King John's Castle. It has an interactive self-guided tour through the museum and castle, which connects the theory/history with the reality/tangible remains. I moved through the museum faster than the other tourists, mainly because they had kids and there was so much interesting stuff for kids to do, and so I got to roam the castle without the company of other tourists (and their albeit well behaved children) which was just lovely.

views of the Shannon River from the battlements, good defensive position

Aware that there was so much more to see in Limmerick we had to bid a fond farewell, and push on to our next whistle stop in Galway. Our consolation for rushing away early was having the time take the less direct and slightly intimidatingly named Wild Atlantic Way. As implied this road hugs the Atlantic coast, we don't get to see the Atlantic very often in our travels and so this was a treat, especially for me. MGM had to contend with narrow winding trails, that were closely hemmed in by stone fences, wild flora and the occasional fauna.

Not to mention tractors of every size and shape, trucks (or lorries as they are called here) and tourist coaches that took up more than their share of the limited space. He had to drive through rain, snow and sun. I feel very spoilt that I get to be the tourist, sitting in my comfy seat with the warmer on while he works so hard to facilitate my sight-seeing and at the same time accommodate my loathing of the dreaded tourist bus.

The Wild Atlantic Way took us to the iconic Cliffs of Moher, and we enjoyed a walk in the freezing wind, some sun and some sleet to view these majestic giants with our own eyes.

Of course there are always round towers/castles

Such beauty, such a icy cold wind off the Atlantic. I was very happy to have my snow coat handy. I am aware that it makes me look like a iceberg that's broken away from the main glacier, with an otter, who is wishing he hadn't strayed so far from the pack, draped across one edge. I don't care. No weather penetrates its downy shell and it's like walking around in my doona, soooooo comfy. Throw at me what you will northern winter - I'm ready.

There is just too much gorgeousness to capture the day's driving in a blog, and my new mantra is 'not everything has to be documented' so I will leave with one more castle and a sunset ...

Dunguaire Castle

The setting sun was our companion through Galway and we arrived at Ballynahinch just in time to catch this

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