Tuesday, 5 December 2017

old men and Christmas markets

The view from my [car] window this morning on the way to Balzano

Our day trip from Pig today took us along some windy roads (drive on the right!) and some autobahns (buckle up everyone!) to Balzano, the home of the ice-man AND Italy's largest Christmas markets. We had to pass the markets to get to the Museum so these not so old men got off to good start before we saw the world's oldest man.

we ate these delish pretzels on the way to the museum, which was amazing!

The odds of Ötzi (as he is known) being found are astronomical, to think that it was just a chance decision that took the hikers in his direction is just amazing to me. I was surprised to see the artefacts which he carried and to learn how much researchers have discovered from this find. In the picture above, you can see a reconstruction developed by forensic researchers (he's carrying the bow he was carving - get your minds out of the gutter) based on the real body which is on display here in the museum.

Ötzi is a wet mummy, he wasn't embalmed/entombed he was preserved in ice exactly as he died 5,000 years ago. He is kept in a climate controlled room that looks like an iglo, and seen through a viewing window. you get quite close to him, close enough to see details of tattoos and skin. It blows my my to see the things he carried, a backpack, containers which held embers so he could easily light a fire, tools on a tool belt no less ... we could even see the stitching that holds the folds of his clothes together - just amazing.

And then we spent some time drinking Glühwein and eating loaded chips (handcut chips, smothered in molten cheese and prosciutto) this photo does not do it justice!

before wondering around all this gorgeousness

they do Christmas prep very very well over here

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