Sunday, 3 December 2017

Kotor: an Emily-must-visit destinantion

The view from my window this morning, yep it's choppy out there!

I really feel for anyone who suffers from sea-sickness, hard to take pleasure from anything, even a holiday, when you're nauseated. I am one of the lucky ones who can enjoy the high seas roller coaster, I even find it soothing at sleep time - but then I also enjoy turbulence on planes so colour me weird. Our evening enjoyably bouncy (for me), and not so enjoyably bilious (for others), and we docked in Kotor, Montenegro this morning amidst some weather.

Kotor is a fortified town with an intact wall and a well preserved old town tucked between this mountainous backdrop and the Adriatic. Fortifications can be visited at the top of the mountain, if you're willing to commit to 1350 steps. Of the four of us, only Tony the intrepid was up for this challenge. He launched off up the hill with some young bucks from our boat while MGM and the Wendys stayed in the town. Not only was Tony up to the challenge he was first to the top and I like to imagine him raising his hands, Rocky like, ... yeah-I'm-fitter-than-you-young-fellas ... as he welcomed his climbing companions to share the view.

What Tony saw - impressive no?

what the rest of us saw - also impressive but for different reasons

The cat is symbol of good luck for this town. There is a cat museum (not open when we were in town) and the whole town seems to be a cat sanctuary, so ailurphobics stay clear of this place. The lore around the cats is a bit sketchy but I believe it has something to do with cats coming from all over the world in ships that plied the shipping trade routes. Cats were also popular because they protected the town from mice, rats and snakes. In typical cat-style they have established dominion over all and can be found in shops, on counter tops, in cafes, in every comfortable spot available ... 

and some not so comfortable ... why?

They all look very well cared for, shop owners are very indulgent of them and so are the tourists ...

We were sorry to sail away from Kotor, it was a surprisingly enjoyable little place. 

1 comment:

  1. Of COURSE they would find Mike's lap. He is the cat whisperer, no matter what the country. Love the Gappers-looking cat perched up on the sign. Silly thing.

    Tony will always be Tony the Intrepid in my mind now, and good on him! That view was amazing! Not sure I would have joined him, but I certainly applaud him.


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...