Saturday, 20 May 2023

Victoria: Butchart gardens

 The view from my window today comes to you from the glorious Butchart Gardens.

I believe it is a known fact that one cannot come to Victoria without visiting Butchart Gardens & so we thought we should comply. This was not a hardship at . all . 

Old eagle eye spotted a library. That blurry blue banner says Library.

So, ever patient man that he is we deviated from the plan to visit Victoria Central Library which had me at the Monty Python’s Flying Circus quote on the wall “you see, I don’t believe that libraries should be drab places where people sit in silence, and that’s been the main reason for our policy of employing wild animals as librarians.” LOVE IT! I don’t know if you can see it in the pic. It’s written on the curve architrave above the door.

Interesting entry too

I don’t think I’ve mentioned that this is RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from the hotel! How instant happiness is this! I sussed it out / shopped this arvo.

In the other direction right across the street is this delightful sushi place. This photo I have just taken from my window, it’s that close. 

We went here for dinner and the food was mm mmmm mmmm gooood. Tony has even decided he may possibly in the future even like eating at a sushi place when not on holidays (the jury is still out on this though). The ‘ambience’ was your typical loud house dance / football match grand final vibe. It was so noisy we were screaming at each other and still doing the lip reading thing, it was more a fun experience than a problem and the food really was fantastic. We thought we were sated until MGM told us about a bakery he’d discovered and boy he knows his stuff so we not only have dessert but danish for brekki - 😀 

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