Thursday, 25 May 2023

Vancouver: washing day

 The view from my window this morning.

Let me focus your attention a little bit …

Yes I’m this close to that massive craft store. I discovered it last night and knew instantly what today’s itinerary would include for me.

As the title indicates today is that oh so essential traveler’s day the wash/preparation day. Wonderful Erin let us invade her home & her washer/dryer with not only our accumulated filth but all our amassed baggage overflow which just will not do when taking domestic flights. 

Once cleaned and denuded we were free to enjoy our respective delights. MGM searched in vein for a music store. Wendy & I searched in vein for a Dollarama which, according to our brunch server (from Yokes where they serve delicious eggs) is ‘the same as Michaels only cheaper & is just down the road’. I can tell you we walked that road with google maps helping us - to no avail. But don’t be sad, we KNEW where Michaels was ;)

We spent a happy hour in there, dreaming of all the things we could buy if only our bags were the size of a caravan and then hopped on back to the hotel for the repacking that is the tourist’s constant friend. Halifax, right over on the other side of this beautiful country, tomorrow.

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