Friday, 5 May 2023

It took 3 years but we did it!

 the view from my window this morning (hello Vancouver)

We planned, booked, paid for, & Covid cancelled this trip in 2020. 3 years to get to a place, that’s gotta be some kind of record … right? No turning left for Business class this time but Premium economy guys, can I just say it’s pretty alright. 

Our niece, Erin, tells us bumpy is the norm for flying over the Pacific and bumps we did have. Not so hotsy to totsy for some peeps, Tony I’m looking at you, but I like it, I’ve never met anyone else who likes turbulence, I have accepted and embraced my oddities (there are many).

Anyway we have arrived, traveling light this time, in this funky boutique hotel in the Yaletown district of Vancouver. 

We have lime green walls & a most revealing ‘hello world’ bathroom 

The Besties have magenta walls and a fairly ordinary bathroom (so we win the room competition this time).

We had to stay awake for the conquering of jet lag so there was coffee and pastries, right next door to the hotel YaY.

Plus some stretching our legs walking around the area to orient ourselves & organise new phone sims (you know all the essential  things).

And lots of eating / drinking

Erin introduced us to the local delicacy - lobster tail in garlic butter. I think I’m going to like it here.

We did have the best nap of all times - the jet lag desperation nap - this arvo but that did not stop us from going wanting to curl up and go to sleep in our dessert so I’m off to bed now. Night night my lambs.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful accomodation choice - you’re living in style over there. Also, not sure what magic is being performed over your drink, but Mike seems very determined.


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...