Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Three C's tour (one of the Cs may be for crying)

MGM has dubbed this trip the three C's for the highlights of Canada, Charlestown and Cruise.

But for me it's a bit Canada, Cruise & crying ... not that I don't think Charlestown will be a highlight I really do, sorry Charlestownians, but there will be crying as I fly away from my precious people (Norah & Lachie this means you) and people-to-be (Sweetpea please don't come while I'm on the other side of the world).

this is what we hope to see (apart from our niece, hi Erin)


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Lake Louise 

my pics will not be from the POV of a kayak on the lake, guaranteed, but we are staying at that posh looking hotel you can see at the vanishing point - excitement!

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Victoria Is

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Prince Edward Is

(all Librarians squeal with one voice!) 


(also from a much bigger boat)

We are also planning on seeing bears, whales, sea otters, moose, cariboo (unless they are the same as moose? I will be calling them cariboo because how cute is that name!), but hopefully not all at once because that would be terrifying.

There will be so much more to see in 6 weeks, hope you enjoy the pics. Grandchildren do not do any growing up or learn anything new until the middle June please, Grandma has severe FOMO.


  1. Ooooh the blog has had a make over - lovely!


    And I dutifully contributed to the librarian squeal :)

  2. I don't kayak either but had a lovely walk around the lake while some of my fam kayaked when I was there.

    1. Any other suggestion for things to do? Please send them along (& I’d love you to let me know who you are 😉)

  3. Sweet pea on slow cook for the next 6 weeks

    1. Thanks so much Sweet pea I love you, stay safe


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...