Monday, 28 January 2013

Day 33 NYC Library Day

 The view from the window this morning
Somehow MGM does not suffer from jetlag. That's not to say he doesn't get it, he was up at 5am this morning because he couldn't sleep anymore, but he doesn't suffer from it, no - he's firing on all cylinders right from the get-go. Me? I have no control over such things, I am at the mercy of my physical inadequacy. Sounds overly dramatic doesn't it but just find anyone who has to see me in the mornings and ask them what that morning with jetlag would look like and I bet they could paint you a picture.
So this morning the simple task of dressing was almost beyond me let alone the hectic NYC streets. A friend reminded me about the benefits of caffeine and energy drinks for just such an occasion.
This did not do the job
Sorry Americans I don't wish to offend but coffee coloured water is not coffee, nor did it provide the necessary kick start to my addled brain. Try as I might I could not formulate a plan or even keep up with MGM as he walked. Our solution was the hop on hop off bus. We quite often use this method for gaining a perspective on what we want to see in a city where we don't have the luxury of time, and I was very much mistaken when I thought we'd be able to do NYC on foot. The city blocks are  huge, but that has given us other opportunities to experience NYC. We caught a cab last night and the rode the subway today.
We both have things we want to do here and today we checked off one each. MGM wanted to see the World Trade Centre memorial.
It was very moving and I think it's very clever symbolism to use the footprint of the buildings and have the water flowing down like that - sort of like a water-shed of emotion.

This buliding will be a museum that houses the tridents from the facade of towers, and looks itself like a fallen building ... again - very moving. 
I was surprised by the airport-like security screening, but of course that makes sense, and pleased to find that you can visit this sight for free.
My agenda item for today was the NYC public library for which I have insufficient superlatives. Let's jsut say I was giddy and leave it at that.

 I want a desk like this in our new library UWS.
or this, see the long wooden bit that spans the room? That's a service desk.

 There's lots more to show you, maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I just KNEW you'd love the NYC library - one of the most beautiful buildings in Manhattan IMHO!


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...