Saturday, 26 January 2013

Day 31 Gemünd, Germany

The view of the window this morning
A little bit of snow on the garden to accompany a little bit of drawing time (hopefully). We have some serious traveling coming up tomorrow, not just your longer than the average tourist drive to see something interesting, or a stupidly-long-only-AllansAbroad-would-consider-it-doable drive to the next accommodation but this-is-serious-we-MUST-get-our-act-together-today sort of traveling. We plan to arise at stupidugly o’clock (3am) be on the road at 3:30a?isthisreallyatimeofday?m to catch a flight from Frankfurt to London at 7:20abloodym. From Heathrow we connect to New York for the American part of our holiday.
That sounds way more substantial than it actually is hehehe … we’re only in NY for five nights but I do like to sound oh so world traveller-ish. We’ll be travelling for 35 hours tomorrow in one of those arrive before you leave scenarios; chasing the sun MGM calls it. If we were to keep on going we’d arrive in Australia the day before we left Germany!
So, with all this in mind, after we do the laundry (well after MGM does the laundry) we are spending today resting. Especially MGM who, let’s face it, will be doing ALL the heavy lifting tomorrow as I will be asleep on the inside while my outside shell puts on a good show that resembles a waking person. Our only outing today is dinner, one last trip to our fav food place - Nordsee (seafood mmmMMmmmm yummy).
For me, today is all about re-packing our bags to be airplane acceptable and two-person-carry-able. Boy! did our goods and chattels expand a lot taking advantage of having the car space. Once that mammoth task has been accomplished I hope to get some drawing done, and ... we’re back to where we started with my one and only photo for today.
I may see you tomorrow, depending on flights being on time, if not you know where I’ll be, flying fast chasing that sun to the good old U. S. of A. from whence you will have an abundance of oh so I-can’t-believe-I’m-in-NY photos.
Love you all chickens, kisses.

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