Thursday, 17 January 2013

Day 22 & a slight change of plans

The view from the window this morning

You can't see it in the photo but it's snowing in a lovely quiet, gentle way and we have a quiet day planned during which I will do some drawing whilst watching it snow. Does it get any better? I think not.

The reason for this quiet day?

Remember when I said we weren't going to Grundlesee this holiday? hmmm....Well we've been chating, pondering and coming up with cunning plans ... we just could not come all this way and not go to Grundlesee could we? Really? I don't know what we were thinking. Grundlesee's forecast for Friday -6 to -17, snow on Sunday... much as we love Denmark we've decided to take a slight detour to Austria. Such slight changes are facilitated by MGM making bookings, cancelling accommodation, rearranging ferry passages, crossing Ts and dotting Is faster than Jeremy Clarkson in an Ariel Atom (hope I got that right - there's not much English t.v. here, I have embraced the unthinkable - a sports show, MGM is happy).

And, as we'll be doing a big drive tomorrow we need to stay still today - actually this is a joy, there hasn't been much sitting still lately. That's not to say that we couldn't go out for a dawdle to find some gishy cake, oh no that would be ridiculous, so we went to the little island you can just see in the photo above.
And what a pretty dawdle it was...

This is Stege
I swear I don't plan this (well not every time anyway)

But looook, how cute is this one?! we HAD to stop.
goal accomplished...
we drove on a bit, through the crisp white, blue-tinged landscape



and found  a slot

and a slottet (I kid you not)



Oh, and this is what I drew today

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