Monday, 2 December 2024

Through the countryside

We saw an interesting juxtaposition of scenery as we drove through the countryside today. The pretty autumn foliage to which we ave quickly become accustomed greeted us at Yufuin 

where we stopped to see Lake Kinrin 

The contrast of the wheat coloured grasses and blues of the mountains in the marshland was quite amazing

From the Daikanbo viewpoint area overlooking the volcano Mount Aso we could see the sleeping Buddha (the head is on the left, then looking down to the right there’s tummy, knees etc.) TBH they find gods, goddesses, Buddhas in lots of inanimate objects, I rarely can see where they’re supposed to be.

From these natural landscapes to an ancient built one at Kumamoto Castle & the contrast was complete. We got there a bit late and Ken did not warn us about closing doors, cue eye rolling & consternation from those who missed out on actually seeing the castle. We made it in time, last ones in the door, but those who missed out didn’t miss much. Seems to be a theme with Japanese castles that the inside is a modern museum that bears no resemblance to what the ancient would have looked like - not even in pictures. This is foe me at least,  quite disappointing. We didn’t make it to the top today. No way I could climb seven flights of stairs, enjoy the view & make it back down to the meeting point in ten minutes.

Turns out I had a bit of extra time though because Ken was waiting at an entirely different meeting point to the one he expressly harped on ‘meet HERE! You’re sure you know? HERE!’ When he was a no show (and we were all there) for 15 mins someone went to find him. Honestly how did this guy get this gig?

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Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...