Tuesday, 21 November 2017

packing the laptop

So I'm packing the laptop in a minute, I have time for one last post ... right?
Here's what we'll be doing in Iceland



we'll be driving the Golden circle route

Of course we'll be visiting the Blue Lagooon & I may even cast my swimsuit phobia aside and take the plunge, honestly how can I not? I am just wondering how I'm going to get all the other peeps to avert their eyes, not sure 'hey what's that over there?!' will work

safe to say Iceland will be all about the outdoors.

and now my lovelies the laptop is going in the bag - see you soon.


  1. Cannot wait for your Icelandic adventure.

  2. Also:
    1) Love the new header
    2) Please inform Mike that, while there has been four posts on your blog, I have yet to see a post on his map. How can he expect to be the superior poster at this rate?


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...