Saturday, 8 October 2016

much Moscow-ing

the view from the breakfast room window this morning.

Yes. Yes I did walk into this room and say wow! a bit too loudly.
Classy, I know, but come on ... I can't be the first person to do that.

Our tour guide picked us up at 10am. I knew our itinerary for the day but I did not anticipate how knowledgeable out guide would be, and just how much information I would receive along the way. If I had possessed a crystal ball that could have imparted such wisdom I would have gone to bed much earlier last night, because today was a BIG day.

Here is a little of what we saw of this amazing, majestic, enticing city.

       The exterior of The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour does not give a hint about the beauty inside.           No photos allowed inside but you should google it and be amazed like I was. 

It is like no other church I've ever seen before.

This park surrounds Novodevichy Convent, the building across the lake behind the white walls

we enjoyed a walk around the park through the Autumnal colours and cool air

I had to explain to our guide that this (Wendy)-weather is perfectly acceptable, in fact enjoyable, to me at least. She was quite disappointed by the view from this lookout but I love the effect of mist on photography. I  know there's no real view but the mist and the autumn colours are pretty.

This, dear friends, is a supermarket Moscow-style. The Eliseevsky store is more than 100 years old, but I think the building's history goes back a lot further than that.

People do their grocery shopping in all this grandeur.

Cake lunch coffee cup contrast. 
Americana (Tony) vs esspresso (me), & I'd wager I got more of a caffeine hit.

Moscow Metro

Where every station is a work of art

and they have blue rattlers instead of red, which I find slightly ironic.

and then there was this

Did you know that Red Square is not named for its colour? I didn't. Apparently the word red on Russian has varied definitions but in this case it means Beautiful. So this should be called Beautiful Square in English, and it is ... 


no respect really

 Remember a couple of minutes ago when I said The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was like nothing I've ever seen before? 

                                                     Well ditto that for St Basil's 

This is eight chapels surrounding a central church.

This is the basement!

 Central Cathedral

 The tiny chapels are connected by a labyrinth of corridors, yes this is a corridor.

We had a quick look at the famous shopping centre, that's lemonade in those flasks

 Tony feels a man deserves a beer at the end of the day. Today he earned one that was almost bigger than his head!

I don't usually post a 'view from my window this evening' but how could I not show you this?!

 Told you it was a big day, this is all I can think about now. I do love chocolates on the pillow and that mat beside the bed says 'good night' when you're facing the bed and 'good morning' when you're facing out from the bed (i.e. getting up in the morning. 

It's the little things isn't it

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