Thursday, 22 September 2016

Rothenburg to Prague

The view from my window this morning makes me happy

We had just the morning in Rothenberg for a bit of shopping errr ... sightseeing, before heading off to Prague, very fast on the autobahns - no bumping into anything (all good) and were greeted by Frank Gerhy's Dancing House. Terrible shot through the car window but I've seen it = happy Wendy.

I don't know how the men-folk manage to keep their calm driving through big cities, obeying rule #1 and find our lodgings but they do and I'm so grateful. There was no parking at all near the oh-so- sumptuous Prague rooms so they dropped off the luggage with Wendy & I as guards while they parked. Our instructions were to take the lift 5th floor and walk down a flight to the 4th floor room, so we did. It wasn't pretty, while Wendy was taking the first load up the coffin-sized glass lift I was getting the next load ready but I didn't move it quite close enough. I got one bag in then had to hold the lift button to stop the door closing with one hand whilst grasping for the just out of reach bags with the other. Once at the 5th floor, lumbering down a flight of stairs to the 4th was just a litell bt 'fun' and, it turns out, the lift did stop at the 4th floor.

Somewhere someone is having a good laugh at that CCTV footage.

They can laugh all they like, totally worth it ...

As you do when you arrive at a new destination we rushed right out into the spectacular ambience of Prague in Autumn. 

Treated ourselves to a horse and carriage ride, we're tourists we can do touristy things. 

Here's me demonstrating AllansAbroad rule #2: always look up 

If you don't look up you miss things like this great cloud (which if I'm honest I have to admit I didn't see till  I was looking at the day's photos in the evening when i should have been sleeping)

Meals can be a challenge when you're travelling. Unless you know the city it's easy to spend hours wondering looking for just the right thing to fill that void left by all the hard holiday work (not). It's especially when travelling with companions who are persnickety about red meat and you're in the land of pork, wirsts, schnitzel... ALL THE MEAT. Yes, yes ... I know I should be more flexible. On the flip side I'm pleased to see a marked difference in menu options since the last time we were here, lots of choices for me now. 

Tonight we happened upon an unusual dining experience when, encouraged by a toothless street hawker, we followed down a hall and through a curtain. Then down a flight of stairs and through another curtain, that revealed ... another flight of stairs down. Do you ever have headline moments? ... "four gullible Aussie tourists go to dinner, never seen again"...

At the bottom of all the stairs was this

A 500 year old brewery cellar which we had all to ourselves for a while, for reasons that are perhaps obvious to you, but it was such a relief because it's very peopley in Prague right now.

it was a long but lovely, happy day. good night my loveilies

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