Sunday, 30 December 2012

Day 4 Gothenburg

The view from the window this morning is specatcularly un-blog-worthy so how about some photos of what we saw in Gothenburg today.


Gothenburg is a regal looking city full of very impressive buildings and some gorgeous churches.
Like this one we found while MGM was adventuring again, which was unfortunately closed.
As you can see Gothenburg turned on my favourite weather, cold (+4 so not too cold) and misty. The only way it could have been better? - snow of course ;)

 this is the Haga church built between 1856-59.
 We ventured up to Skansberget Hill to see Skansen Kronan (the Crown Redoubt), one of Gothenburg's 17th C fortifications.

We had another one of those HUGE breakfasts this morning so we skipped lunch at mid-day in favour of cake lunch at 3, in a lovely little cafe...
 that was next to this shop, I had to take this pic for Renae, who loves bicycles like this.

1 comment:

  1. Loving it all, but I particularly like the picture of with the archway. And a very Renae bike! I haven't seen a bike like that here in Cambridge, but I did stop actually counting the bikes when I reached 24 before the end of the first street.


Our last adventure

We thought, will we go out with a bang or a whimper? And decided on the latter because … well why not pack as much in as you possibly can … ...