Friday, 31 December 2010

DAY 5 30/12/10 (thursday)


This has been a very long day. We raced the sun across the top of the world and, as we kept ahead of it, had about 14 hours of night. The flight from Hong Kong to Heathrow left around 11:30 pm so it was body clock sleeping time, very handy, we both managed to sleep quite well. The plane was a bit old and very noisy but that still didn’t keep us awake.

We had three breakfast meals in about 8 hours so our body clocks are a bit out of wack but we’ve stayed awake since we arrived in Sweden to try and readjust them. After a 2 hour wait we made our connecting flight to Sweden and arrived in Arlanda Airport (Stockholm) right on time. It was so good to see Monica and Evan’s smiling faces as we came out of the arrivals gate and what joy – s-n-o-w- !

I can’t explain the felling of coming home I had driving along the roads all covered in snow, looking out at the winter wonderland scenery. I’ve heard about Sweden all my life and we’ve had the Swedish rellies to stay with us so this just feels so right!

I am so happy, I can see my breath – the official Wendy-standard for cold enough. I do love to ‘see’ the air hanging heavy with cold in the evening. It is picture-post card perfect here I can’t wait to get outside with my camera. It's too late for photos now but I’ll have some yummy pics to share tomorrow to be sure. My rellies are just the best! We’ve been treated to wonderful food and we have such lovely accommodation, our own little room, t.v. area and bathroom which is all shabby chic – too die for gorgeousness!

We have been making plans all afternoon for the things we’re going to do and I think we have more than enough to keep us going for the next 7 months (hope they realise we’re only here for 7 more days).

I’m so excited by the new years eve plans. After a family get-together for dinner we’ll be off to see in the new year Swedish style. Outdoors for concert and fireworks, which at –20˚ should be interesting. Monica made MGM shop for thermal undies this afternoon and I think he’ll appreciate it tomorrow night.

Sending all my love to my cherubs who I’m missing even more now that we’re amongst family.

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, you're never coming home are you?

    Smuggle me out a snowball :)


Our last adventure

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