After travelling/flying for 26 hours we hit the ground running (or rather driving) - thank you business-class flat-beds and a full night’s sleep - we picked up a car at Frankfurt airport and drove for 6 more hours. MGM is amazing. I know he got a good sleep but still I think it’s a big ask to drive 6 hours on the wrong side of the road, in an unfamiliar car, at the speed of sound and yet he takes it all in his stride. True he does love driving in Germany where fast is good.
The Germans know how to build roads and how to drive on them. Everything is done in a very orderly manner, slowest in the right lane, slow in the middle lane, and fast! in the left lane. If you're in the left lane and someone approaches from behind it is understood that you will very politely move out of their way so that the approaching car doesn't have to slow down but just drives on past. MGM finds 200kph a "comfortable" speed at which to drive & yet, believe it or not, we spent most of our time in the middle lane.
We sarted out in the darkness at 6:30am so we got to see the sun rise, a rare event, especially for me.
The fast driving got us to Lübeck in fine time, by mid-day,so we had all afternoon to wander around this lovely town built on the river Trave.
This is the Holsten Gate constructed between 1446-1458, the middle of four such gates. they certainly knew how to be impressive in the late middle ages. It now houses a museum.
and of course there are churches
This one, simply called "the Cathedral", had its foundation stone laid in 1173. Lübeck was bombed by the Brits in one of the first air-raids of WWII in 1942, reconstruction began on this church in 1947.
St Marys was begun, in 1200AD, was also heavily damaged in the 1942 air raids. This is memorialised by the preservation of the church bells which are still lying where they fell on the night the church was set ablaze by bombs.
Thank you to our travel-guru and all round wise woman, Liz, who recommended Lübeck to us & for suggesting we give ourselves time to see the Christmas markets definately a feast for the senses.
We enjoyed some of our favourite chips (pommes) with mayo & MGM always goes for the knackwurst.
carrying on an Allans Abroad tradition -
good coffee and gishy cake for afternoon tea.
This city is lovely by day and by night